salvation army news

The Salvation Army Rises to Face New Challenges with Help from Partners in Mission
July 30, 2020
"...many partners have stepped up to the challenges presented in 2020."
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Salvation Army Of Greater New York Provides Kids With ‘Camp In A Box'
July 7, 2020
Traditional summer camp may be canceled this year, but The Salvation Army of Greater New York is sending a fun experience right to it's campers at home
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Salvationists Serve at Atlanta March Against Racism
June 25, 2020
Juneteenth coincided this year with rallies around the country against hate and racism.
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WWII Vet Walks 100 Miles for His 100th Birthday: 'I Am Beyond Blessed'
June 24, 2020
"I walk in honor of or in memory of someone's loved one most every day. That definitely inspires me."
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