salvation army news

The Salvation Army and Partners Step In to Help As Jackson, Mississippi Faces Water Crisis
September 13, 2022
When a water treatment facility in Mississippi failed, surrounding communities and more than 100,00 residents were left without clean water to drink
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The Salvation Army and Partners Step In to Help As Jackson, Mississippi Faces Water Crisis
September 13, 2022
When a water treatment facility in Mississippi failed, surrounding communities and more than 100,00 residents were left without clean water to drink
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Volunteers Deliver Bottled Water to Residents Without Cars
September 7, 2022
Amid the water crisis in Jackson, Miss., residents without cars have an ever harder time obtaining bottled water
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Walmart Supports Jackson, Mississippi, Residents in Water Crisis
September 1, 2022
Two truckloads of bottled water donated to The Salvation Army will help Jackson residents who are in desperate need
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