salvation army news

NPR: "Polar Vortex Causes Midwest States Of Emergency As Cold Pushes Farther South"
February 13, 2019
"Oh, this cold is very dangerous," says Richard Vargas, who directs community social services for the Salvation Army in Chicago.
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AP: "Marie Kondo series sparks joy for Goodwill, Salvation Army as donations surge..."
February 13, 2019
"Secondhand stores are experiencing a tsunami of donations thanks to a new Netflix series."
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Vogue: "Did Marie Kondo Inspire You to Clean Out Your Closet This Weekend?"
February 13, 2019
"Here Are the 5 Best Ways to Do It"
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CNN: "For the homeless, staying indoors isn't always an option. Here's how you can help during the brutal cold."
February 6, 2019
"Homeless populations are particularly vulnerable since they have significantly fewer places to take refuge from the weather..."
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